
There’s nothing more painful

She’s been checked out for months. Nothing you do or say makes it any better, only worse. It’s depressing. It’s infuriating. You desperately want to save your marriage but don’t know how.

If your wife isn’t softening ...

If your wife isn’t softening, what you’re doing isn’t working. It’s that simple. By now, you’ve learned the hard way:

  • Bargaining doesn’t work
  • Writing the perfect email doesn’t work
  • Religious guilt doesn’t work
  • Seeking sympathy from her family (even though they love you) doesn’t work
  • “OK, I’ll go to counseling” doesn’t work
  • Doing lots of household chores doesn’t work

It’s all wife repellent.

Instead of warming up to you, she’s growing more guarded, more distant, more resentful, and more bent on leaving.

It’s time for a new approach!

I’ll teach you how to avoid the devastation of divorce, win your wife back, and build a marriage that’s sexy, fun, close, and intimate again.

Book your free discovery call and we’ll begin turning the ship.

What my clients are saying

Duane Rediger


During a very dark time in my marriage, Jeff taught me how to reconnect with my wife. His guidance helped me steer our marriage into safer waters, and ultimately save it, for which I'm forever grateful.

Stephen Kline


I was stuck in toxic patterns that were destroying our marriage. Today, we're so much stronger thanks to Jeff. My wife and I hold him in the highest regard. If you need help, he's your guy.

Jeremy Yencer


I was playing the “victim” husband. Jeff taught me how to take initiative and be the hero my wife needed and wanted. It worked! Our marriage has never been in a better place.

30-Minute Discovery Call

If your wife isn’t softening, what you’re doing isn’t working. It’s time to break the cycle and do something you’ve never done before.

  • Stop guessing
  • Learn what does work
  • Step into your leadership lane
  • Get your mojo back
  • Move forward with confidence and strength

Use my appointment calendar to schedule your Discovery Call. Whether we work together or not, I’ll point you in the right direction.

The marriage you want — the marriage you both deserve — is closer than you think.

* If nothing on my calendar works with your schedule, please contact me.

1:1 Coaching Customized for You

I’m not your everyday coach. The men I work with are in crisis and one phone call a week won’t cut it. I’m in the trenches with them — close, in-touch, and accessible. It’s the reason I limit my client load to just a few men a month.

There are three ways people typically work with me:



2 Months

You’re ready to do whatever it takes to win your wife back.

  • Weekly strategy session
  • Daily access to me
  • Membership in my private online community
  • Full access to How to Win Your Wife Back (Master Class)




You’re moving out of crisis and want help staying the course.

  • Weekly strategy session
  • Membership in my private online community
  • Full access to How to Win Your Wife Back (Master Class)



 6 Months

Priority access and world-class service are important to you.

  • Weekly strategy session
  • Priority access to me
  • V.I.P. Weekend (in person)
  • Membership in my private online community
  • Full access to How to Win Your Wife Back (Master Class)


A year ago, my marriage was on the verge of ruin, and I had no idea how to fix it. Jeff was an absolute godsend. My marriage didn’t get better overnight — that took many months — but I was on the road to restoration after our first phone call. With Jeff’s help, my wife and I are closer as a couple and more intimate than we’ve ever been. After 15 years of marriage, I didn’t think this was possible.

Varnish | Grammy Award-Winning Art Director